K-12 and University
- Establish an action plan of support in the areas of Equity, Access and Transformational Leadership with a Focus on Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy and Practice
- Administrative Leadership strand in which school site and district level administration teams will engage in on-going comprehensive professional development to equip them to have courageous conversations to combat implicit, explicit, and overt bias and racism
- Teacher/practitioner strand in which classroom educators will begin the conversation about implicit, explicit and overt bias and racism and will be provided with the tools needed to begin the quest for becoming a culturally relevant and responsive educator
- One-on-one consulting
- School-site specific professional development
- Coaching
- Model teaching
- Support with Progress Monitoring and Data Analysis to meet specific areas of need
- Parent advocacy strand in which parents will begin the conversation about implicit, explicit and overt bias and racism and will be provided with the tools needed to support their children’s academic needs
- Support with establishing healthy community partnerships
How do you bring a Culturally Relevant Experience to a School
List of Workshops and Descriptions (Full or Half Day Availability):
Courageous Leadership • Courageous Teaching Practices • Courageous Parent Advocacy
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What's Your Why?
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, support providers)-workshop series that examines the “Why?” of participants working the field of education. What led you to education and what ideologies will support you in maintaining the passion you had when you started the journey? Participants will reflect on their philosophy of education, learn more about their strengths and how to use their “Why?” to create an educational environment of success for students.
Who Holds the Keys?: The Making of a Successful Educational Leader
(Administrators, district level personnel, and board members)-The role of the school site administrator is one of the most important positions in education. It calls on you to be both an instructional and operational leader. It calls on you to guide the entire learning environment towards success. Who is this done?
This introspective and reflective workshop series provides the formula for success and encourages the school administrator to embrace the fact that they are equipped to make any educational institution a successful one because they hold the keys.
This Job is Not for the Faint of Heart: On the Trajectory to Becoming a Culturally Relevant and Linguistically Responsive Educational Leader
(Administrators, district level personnel)-What does it take to become a successful, transformational leader in an urban setting? This workshop series provides a reflective approach to discussing how to ensure that you are ready to lead and serve as an effective educational leader. Ensuring that instruction to meet the needs of all learners is at the forefront off all decisions, this workshop guides the participants through the elements of culturally relevant and linguistically responsive education and how to be a leader that can bring that out of staff. Excellent for aspiring administrators, novice administrators and veteran administrators.
Culturally Infused Practices: Designing Effective PBIS Aligned to Our Ancestral Genius
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel)-Oftentimes the discussion of culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy has been centered on instruction only. The objective of this workshop is to examine the effects of Restorative Justice and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports on students of color when addressed from a cultural lens. Using the work of late researcher, Dr. Asa Hilliard, this presentation will provide research based and hands-on experience-based results of implementing school wide PBIS. This presentation is for all educational stakeholders.
You Can’t Divorce Yourself from Race: Courageous Conversations to Combat Implicit, Explicit, and Overt Bias and Racism
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel)-The concept of race relations is one that impacts all aspects of life and the educational system is not exempt from this fact. How does our own biases jeopardize the learning environment? How in tune are we with our own racial identity and that of others? Are we courageous enough to tackle racial issues with conversation and action? This workshop series begins the journey of answering the questions we are all left to answer in regards to race and the classroom. Reflective practices, an in-depth look at the various types of bias will be at the heart of this workshop and a courageous conversation about racism past, present and our future.
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Deconstructing Dehumanizing Beliefs with Culturally Relevant Pedagogy from a Social Justice Lens
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel)-This workshop series will provide the historical context and a theoretical framework for deconstructing systems and polices that have aided in the dehumanization of Black people. Focus on dismantling myths and beginning the work to change educational institutions with the understanding that it must be reshaped and educators must do the work to have courageous conversations, courageous leadership, and authentic pedagogical shifts in which students and their culture are affirmed, acknowledged and validated! Welcome to the Social Justice Educational Reform!
Language Acquisition: Establishing Context for Practical Application of MELD (Mainstream English Language Development) for Standard English Learners (SELs)
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-workshop series that will provide the historical context and implications that is ever present in increasing the knowledge and awareness of linguistics in the K-12 system. Participants will gain the fundamental understanding of MELD instruction, contrastive analysis and the use of culturally relevant and responsive strategies and materials to support the mainstream English language needs of Standard English Learners.
Formative Classroom Walkthroughs and the Worthwhile Lesson
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-what does “good teaching” look like and how do we aide our staff and colleagues in creating educational environments that supports the notion of “good teaching”? This workshop series provides the theoretical framework for focused and targeted classroom observations (learning walks), establishing a school-wide instructional area of focus, and how to design lessons that move beyond the script but have elements in which students take ownership of their learning, align to the standards and connect to the school-wide instructional focus. This workshop bridges theory with application of practice.
Culturally Relevant and Responsive Thematic Planning: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Instruction
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-Research has shown that when teaching children of color, it is best to teach concepts in context and relationship to other topics which is the opposite of what is typically seen in most classrooms across the country. This hands-on workshop series provides the theory behind interdisciplinary teaching practices and how to design an instructional program in which subjects are taught in tandem and not in isolation; presents this from a culturally relevant and responsive lens.
Socio-Centric Learning Structures: Establishing Authentic Culturally Relevant and Responsive Learning Environments Past Blooms and Gardner
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-Without question in nearly every classroom; every school site in the country you will hear educators refer to the research presented as Bloom’s Taxonomy and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. Although both are significant and have a place in the classroom setting, this workshop series presents another school of thought in which participants will gain knowledge and understanding of learning styles from a cultural perspective and how to design every part of the classroom environment to support a socio-centric learning style; a community building perspective.
Changing the Narrative: Strategies to Expeditiously Increase Growth Rates in ELA and Math in Historically Low Performing Schools
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-Many schools in urban environments across the country are plagued with the same issues of poverty, trauma, low test performance, and poor educational opportunities and limited instructional outcomes. The question always leaves one to ponder, “How do we change this? Can we change this?” The answer is yes it can be changed and establishing systems for academic success is how to change it. This workshop series presents proven systems that effectively changed school culture, teacher beliefs and by-in, and student achievement within one academic year. Learn how to use data tools, and a targeted progress monitoring system that will move your school towards a trajectory of academic success.
Transformational Leadership in Urban Environments: Creating a Culture of Excellence Will Foster Success
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-School culture and climate are major factors in creating a successful school environment. It must be a key component in the mission and vision of each learning environment and must be on the radar of the instructional leader. This hands-one and interactive workshop series will guide the participants in establish a clear mission and vision for the school in which they serve and how to establish the action plan that will support them in doing what they say they believe and will do. Participants will reflect on what characteristics they possess that will serve as strengths to aide in transforming their school and becoming transformational leaders.
Data Analysis: Tools to Support and Engage Teachers with Effective/Efficient Progress Monitoring Practices
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-School culture and climate are major factors in creating a successful school environment. It must be a key component in the mission and vision of each learning environment and must be on the radar of the instructional leader. This hands-one and interactive workshop series will guide the participants in establish a clear mission and vision for the school in which they serve and how to establish the action plan that will support them in doing what they say they believe and will do. Participants will reflect on what characteristics they possess that will serve as strengths to aide in transforming their school and becoming transformational leaders.
Learning Objectives: More Than Just the Standard
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel)-workshop series designed to support teachers with designing learning objectives that guide their daily instruction, targets specific skills and supports teachers in unpacking the state standards.
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It’s In Your DNA: Unlocking the Mathematical and Scientific Genius in Students of African Decent
(Students, ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-oftentimes we hear students and adults say things like “I’m not good in math!” or “I can’t do math!” without having the knowledge that mathematics and science breathes from the continent of Africa and is part of the lineage of the African diaspora. Presenting the counter-narrative with historical facts to support, this workshop engages the learners to see themselves as mathematicians and scientist which increases their confidence in these areas.
Formative Classroom Walkthroughs and the Worthwhile Lesson
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel and support providers)-what does “good teaching” look like and how do we aide our staff and colleagues in creating educational environments that supports the notion of “good teaching”? This workshop series provides the theoretical framework for focused and targeted classroom observations (learning walks), establishing a school-wide instructional area of focus, and how to design lessons that move beyond the script but have elements in which students take ownership of their learning, align to the standards and connect to the school-wide instructional focus. This workshop bridges theory with application of practice.
Who Are You?: Knowledge of Self and Its Impact on Student Achievement
(Students, ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-We all have heard several mantras that speak to the power of self-esteem and what are the ills of having low self-esteem, however, what about knowledge of self? This workshop series delves into a study of self i.e. cultural identify and concepts, and historical identification and connection. Participants will learn more about themselves from a historical and cultural lens and directions will be linked to how this can positively be used to increase student academic achievement on daily basis.
Cultural Journeys: Dispelling Myths Through the Culture and Traditions of the African American
(Students, ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-workshop series that bridges the gap between the two cultural groups by presenting historical evidence of their shared cultural nuances and legacies; participants will learn more about the contributions of both cultures in the field of education and how both have played a significant and vital to our educational system globally.
Cultural Histories of Women Across the African Diaspora: Celebrating Who We Are and Leaving
(Students, ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-workshop series that provides an historical overview of the many contributions that women of the African Diaspora have made globally and in various arenas i.e. education, government, STEAM, and performing arts.
Language Acquisition: Establishing Context for Practical Application of MELD (Mainstream English Language Development) for Standard English Learners (SELs)
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-workshop series that will provide the historical context and implications that is ever present in increasing the knowledge and awareness of linguistics in the K-12 system. Participants will gain the fundamental understanding of MELD instruction, contrastive analysis and the use of culturally relevant and responsive strategies and materials to support the mainstream English language needs of Standard English Learners.
Formative Classroom Walkthroughs and the Worthwhile Lesson
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-workshop series that will provide the historical context and implications that is ever present in increasing the knowledge and awareness of linguistics in the K-12 system. Participants will gain the fundamental understanding of MELD instruction, contrastive analysis and the use of culturally relevant and responsive strategies and materials to support the mainstream English language needs of Standard English Learners.
Culturally Relevant and Responsive Thematic Planning: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Instruction
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-Research has shown that when teaching children of color, it is best to teach concepts in context and relationship to other topics which is the opposite of what is typically seen in most classrooms across the country. This hands-on workshop series provides the theory behind interdisciplinary teaching practices and how to design an instructional program in which subjects are taught in tandem and not in isolation; presents this from a culturally relevant and responsive lens.
Socio-Centric Learning Structures: Establishing Authentic Culturally Relevant and Responsive Learning Environments Past Blooms and Gardner
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-Without question in nearly every classroom; every school site in the country you will hear educators refer to the research presented as Bloom’s Taxonomy and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. Although both are significant and have a place in the classroom setting, this workshop series presents another school of thought in which participants will gain knowledge and understanding of learning styles from a cultural perspective and how to design every part of the classroom environment to support a socio-centric learning style; a community building perspective.
Data Analysis: Tools to Support and Engage Teachers with Effective/Efficient Progress Monitoring Practices
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel, board members and support providers)-We all have heard the phrase that “numbers don’t lie” and although that is true what do you do with the numbers to change academic outcomes for students? This workshop series provides tangible examples of how to structure progress monitoring systems that have proven to be effective and efficient and will engage the participants in what is true data analysis that targets students’ needs, strengths and cooperative group structures.
Learning Objectives: More Than Just the Standard
(ETK-12 educators, administrators, district level personnel)-workshop series designed to support teachers with designing learning objectives that guide their daily instruction, targets specific skills and supports teachers in unpacking the state standards.
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Common Core Mathematics: Building Knowledge and Understanding for Parents
(Parents, educational advocates and support providers)-workshop series in which parents are taught tangible strategies to support their children in being successful in the era of Common Core Mathematics or as many call it “this new math”. Hands on and parents will be able to leave the session with activities that can be implemented immediately.
Common Core English Language Arts: Building Knowledge and Understanding for Parents
(Parents, educational advocates and support providers)-workshop series in which parents are taught tangible strategies to support their children in being successful in English Language Arts. Hands on and parents will be able to leave the session with activities that can be implemented immediately from a balanced literacy focus i.e. phonemic awareness, phonics, reading comprehension, and writing.
Culturally Relevant and Responsive Parent Education: Pathways for Parents to Create a College-Going Culture at Home and School
(Parents, educational advocates and support providers)-engaging and hands on workshop in which parents learn more about the steps to take to get their children on target for college, overview of the A-G high school requirements and how to foster a college-going culture at home that mirrors that of the school site.
Culturally Relevant and Responsive Parent Education: Tools to Prepare your Child for Test-Taking Success
(Parents, educational advocates and support providers)-participants will actively engage in learning what are test taking strategies and how to effectively implement them at home to support testing success.